I am absolutely delighted to be able to announce the return to Ireland of the Chamber Philharmonic Europe orchestra. I heard their concert in Dublin last year and it was wonderful - all the better for being performed in St. Ann's Church, Dawson Street with its emotive, historic ambiance and its excellent acoustics. They'll be in Dublin on two evenings, Fri May 6th and Sat May 22nd. Don't miss them!
Concert details:
Click here for Ticketmaster booking for the Dublin Concert on Friday 6th May and Saturday 22nd. May at 8:00 PM.
Tickets in all cases are €18 Adults and €15 seniors, unwaged, students and children.
Tickets will also be available at the door for all venues on the night.
Chamber Philharmonic Europe - Powerful Emotions Tour 2011
The Chamber Philharmonic Europe orchestra is revisiting Ireland along with the award-winning soloists Pawel Zuzanski (Violin) and Kirill Gusarov (Trumpet). You can enjoy an evening of versatile sounds and complex emotions with selected works of J. S. Bach, A. Vivaldi, J. N. Hummel, E. Grieg and G. Faure.
Tour dates May 2011:
4th May 2011 - 8 pm, Friars Gate Theatre Kilmallock http://www.friarsgate.ie/ Phone: 063 98727
5th May 2011 – 8 pm, Waterford Christ Church Cathedral http://www.christchurchwaterford.com/ Phone: 051 858 958
6th May 2011 – 8 pm, Dublin St. Anne's Church Dawson St. Ticketmaster
7th May 2011 – 8 pm, Bray Mermaid County Wicklow Arts Centre http://www.mermaidartscentre.ie/ Phone: 01 272 4030
8th May 2011 - 8 pm, Naas The Moat Theatre http://www.moattheatre.com/ Phone: 045 883030
9th May 2011 - 8 pm, Kilworth Village Arts Centre. Phone: +353 25 27109
10th May 2011 - 8 pm, Thurles The Source Arts Centre Thurles http://www.thesourceartscentre.ie/ Phone: +353 (0) 504 90340
11th May 2011 – 8 pm, Kenmare Carnegie Arts Centre http://www.carnegieartskenmare.ie/ Phone: 064 6648701
12th May 2011 – 8 pm, Nenagh Arts Centre http://www.nenagharts.com/ Phone: 067 34900
13th May 2011 – 8 pm, Carlow The George Bernard Shaw Theatre http://www.gbshawtheatre.ie/ Phone: 059 917 2400
14th May 2011 – 8 pm, Omagh Strule Arts Centre http://www.struleartscentre.co.uk/ Phone: 028 8224 7831
15th May 2011- 8 pm, Armagh St Patrick's Cathedral http://www.stpatricks-cathedral.org/ Phone: 028 37527359
17th May 2011 – 8 pm, Listowel St. Johns Theatre and Arts Centre http://www.stjohnstheatrelistowel.com/ Tel: 068 22566
18th May 2011 - 8 pm, Macroom The Briery Gap Cultural Centre http://www.brierygap.com/ Phone: 026 41793
19th May2011 – 8 pm, Ballina Arts Centre http://www.ballinaartscentre.com/ Phone: +353 96 73593
20th May 2011 – 8 pm, Londonderry Waterside Theatre http://www.watersidetheatre.com/ Phone: 02871 31 4000
21st May 2011 – 8 pm, Galway Town Hall Theatre http://www.tht.ie/ Phone: 091 569777
22nd – 8 pm, Dublin St. Anne's Church Dawson St. Ticketmaster
Tickets in all cases are €18 Adults and €15 seniors, unwaged, students and children. Tickets for the DUBLIN concerts can be booked here on Ticketmaster. In all other cases tickets can be obtained from the venue.
The Chamber Philharmonic Europe is a private orchestra initiative founded 2006 in Cologne/Germany, which engages musicians to create a demanding artistic ensemble. It employs over 60 talented professional musicians from 18 nations, a compilation of years of experience on international stages. Since its inception, the Chamber Philharmonic Europe has been built upon a broad range of professional experience. Our musicians have performed in many reputed concert halls and opera houses, including:
Théatre des Bouffes-Parisiens, Paris
De Munt Opera, Brussels
Koninklijk Theater Carré,
Amsterdam Grand Théatre de la Ville,
Luxemburg Konzerthaus, Berlin
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