It would
seem that a large part of the left wing in Ireland
is really, when all is said and done, against the idea of Ireland belonging to the European
Last week I took the left leaning members of the opposition to task for
not making a lot more of the proposals that have been put forward by the
Germans and the French for a Tobin tax. My point, which I do not seem to have
done enough to get across, was that it was preferable to work with the EU on
measures to raise revenue for economic stimulation instead of simply opposing
fiscal discipline, as they have been doing. After all, a transaction tax on
stocks and bond dealing should be close to the heart of any Socialist, and
money borrowed, even for spending in the hope (and it would be a hope – borrowing
and spending are not of themselves a guarantee of success) of generating
growth, has to be paid back. In any event borrowing, as we know to our costs
since the onset of the Great Financial Crisis, is dodgy under any
Now I read
in the Irish Times that Sinn Fein, in particular, has campaigned against every
EU treaty that has been agreed to by Ireland over the last 25 years. Joe
Higgins has always given the strong impression of a man that only agreed to
become a member of the European Parliament so that he could work to undermine
it from within. A new survey has also found that even a large percentage of
traditional Labour party voters, 41%, intends to vote against the treaty,
despite the strong endorsement of it from all Labour ministers in the current
coalition government.
So what’s
with the Irish left and the EU? In the UK,
it’s the Conservatives who have the most Euro sceptic members, and the Labour
Party is the one that is committed to taking a full part in Europe.
In France, the newly elected President, Francois Hollande, a Socialist, might
have used rhetoric in his election that will cause him to look for growth
measures to go with the Fiscal Pact, but a Euro sceptic he most certainly is
not. And Angela Merkel and her party, while supporting balanced budgets, are
not afraid to put forward measures that will arouse the ire of capitalism (and
should therefore expect to be embraced by Socialism), a good example being the
aforementioned Tobin tax.
opposition to Europe is a means our Socialists
have decided on in order to differentiate themselves from other parties. This
might have its attractions in providing a quick fix to gain electoral support
in a deep recession, when voters are casting around for anything and everything
that represents the status quo so that it can be punished, but it is not in the
best interest of the country, nor, I would propose, even in the long term electoral
best interests of the politicians concerned.